
Behind the scenes...

Writing website content is something we do for our clients, we have written content on a wide range of business types ranging from campsites to insurance brokers

Behind the scenes...

How do we create content for our clients?

Writing website content is something we do for our clients, we have  written content on a wide range of business types ranging from campsites  to insurance brokers, not to mention keeping our own business blog up  to date with useful and interesting posts like this one!  Content  marketing, in particular, articles and blogs on your website, is one of  the most effective forms of inbound marketing and is great for SEO.  It  is, however, quite time-consuming and if writing is not how you make  your money, maintaining an effective business blog can take you way out  of your comfort zone.

First - identify objectives…

One of the most important things we have to keep in mind when writing  for clients it what the objective of the piece is.  Whilst that may  sound obvious, it is easy to fall into the trap of blogging for the sake  of it - there is little to be gained, in SEO terms, from writing a blog  post if you do not start with a clear objective.  Before we start  working with a client on their digital marketing, we like to take the  time to understand the business and its customers.  One of the first  steps is undertaking some initial keyword research which includes  competitor analysis to try and establish which search keywords we should  be prioritising as well as identifying those longer tail key phrases  which the business may not have considered.  Understanding our client’s  business goals enables us to write content which helps them work towards  those goals, whether that is raising awareness, promoting a new product  or services or increasing conversions through the website.  Once we  understand the objectives, we can then put together a strategy.  This  can often include other digital marketing elements like paid search,  social media and email.

Next - do the research…

When it comes to researching and writing an article or blog post, the  first thing you have to decide is what you are going to write about!  Having a list of potential topics decided in advance is helpful here.  Thinking about what kind of content will lead visitors to a website is a  good place to start.  Some of our clients are more fortunate than  others when it comes to having topics to write about.  Whatever the  business, thinking about search intent is a good strategy; What are the  common questions people ask about your industry, product or service?  What information are potential customers trying to find out? If people  are asking these questions, they are also doing internet searches about  these questions.   Looking at other industry blogs can also be a good  place for inspiration - it goes without saying though that you should  avoid plagiarising other peoples content.  Finding a unique angle on a  similar topic is what you are aiming for.

Start writing!

In theory, after the initial research and preparation, writing the piece  itself is the easy bit - We normally have a list of points we want to  cover worked out in advance, this helps to keep your piece on track and  gives you an idea of the structure before you start.  If you are writing  about a topic which is relevant and interesting to your audience,  including the keywords and key phrases you have identified in advance  should be naturally part of what you write.    A lot of people skim read  content online, looking for the specific piece of information they need  - keep that in mind when writing.  Articles and blog posts which are  broken up into short, easy to scan sections with clear headings and a  summary at the end are less daunting and easier to read.  Including  visual elements like photographs, charts or infographics into a piece to  illustrate your points helps to reinforce the information and is an  important part of the process.  Taking the time to make sure images keep  to a similar visual style is very worthwhile and will make sure the  finished article is complementary to the look and feel of the website.

Check and check again

Proofing the final piece and making sure that it reads well, is  grammatically correct and has no typos, is the final part of our  process.  Using a spelling and grammar checker like Grammarly  is helpful - when you have written and then read a piece a few times,  it is very easy to skip over your own mistakes and typos.  I usually get  a fresh pair of eyes to do a final check on my writing.

To produce good quality work which people want to read is  time-consuming, but the SEO benefits of adding regular content to a  website are well documented.  Our clients are often smaller businesses,  especially those without a dedicated marketing department, who lack  either the time or the expertise to do this themselves.  Our flexible  approach means that outsourcing can be more economical than you  think.  If you are interested in finding out more about our content creation services, or wider digital marketing, have a look at our website.  For more tips and advice on getting to grips with digital marketing, download our free guide ’10 top tips for effective digital marketing’.

Contact Rumble

Charlton House, 32 High Street
Cullompton, Devon,
EX15 1AE. UK
T: 01884 214111

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